
How to drive safely in strong wind

Driving in high winds demands heightened awareness and caution. By staying informed, maintaining your vehicle, adjusting your driving habits, and exercising patience, you can ensure your safety and that of others on the road. Always prioritise caution over speed and be prepared to adapt your driving to the prevailing weather conditions.

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Our tips for driving in strong winds:

1. Avoid Overtaking

High winds can make overtaking other vehicles more hazardous. Resist the urge to pass slower vehicles in windy conditions, especially if you are uncertain about the wind’s intensity.

2. Stay at a Safe Distance

Follow the vehicle in front of you at a safe distance. This provides additional reaction time in case of sudden changes in wind or if the vehicle ahead experiences difficulties due to gusts.

3. Know Your Vehicle’s Wind Limit

Understanding your vehicle’s limitations in high winds is essential. If wind conditions become too severe, consider finding shelter or delaying your journey until conditions improve.

4. Plan Stops Strategically

If you encounter extremely high winds or a weather warning during your journey, consider pulling over to a safe location and waiting for the weather to improve. It’s better to delay your trip temporarily than risk safety by driving in challenging conditions. If you decide to change your route, be aware that leased vehicles often have mileage limits, so plan routes carefully to stay within agreed-upon terms.

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5. Stay Informed

For those looking at car leasing Bristol, choose a reliable provider such as and check the Met Office before embarking on a long trip so as to be aware of any current or upcoming weather warnings.

6. Park Safely

Do not park next to trees, particularly those with overhanging branches, or telephone wires that could fall on your car.

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