Quirky and innovative brand strategies may be very exciting, but the best strategies are those that have stood the test of time. From inception to long-term branding, we look at six very effective brand strategies.

Have clear aims and values

Unless you clearly understand your values, aims and goals, you’re in no position to get started on branding. You can’t communicate these effectively unless you really understand them yourself. Clarity is key.

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Looking to the competition

Regular competitive analysis is essential in brand-building. Only when you understand what your competitors are really about, can you make sure that your brand stands out from theirs. Try to look at what works and doesn’t work for other brands, and what gives yours the edge.

Understand your audience

There’s no point communicating to the wrong person. Make sure you truly understand who your target audience is. Remember, who you consider your target customer to be and who your biggest consumers actually are might not be the same group.

Get the positioning right

Once you know what your values and aims are, who your target audience is, and how you differ from your competitors, you will be able to position yourself just right. Effective brand positioning covers everything from price points to points of sale and user experience.

Integrate multi-channel branding

This can be tricky and time-consuming and is best left to a brand strategy agency like reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk.

Maintain brand reputation

There’s no point doing all that hard work building a brand if you don’t maintain it. Keep working on all aspects of customer service and brand marketing.

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From the first steps of assessing your aims, competition, and audience, to putting it all into action and then maintaining the brand, these six strategies are highly effective elements of building a strong and successful brand.

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