Keeping trees healthy and cared for in your garden can sometimes feel like a complicated task. Winter can cause damage to our trees, so it’s important to make sure they are strong enough to withstand any winter storm coming our way. Here are some common tree problems to look out for in your garden:

Honey fungus

This is a problem that happens every year and will result in the need to remove both trees and stumps. Fungus enters the tree through open wounds and has a more detrimental effect on trees that have been damaged or are particularly vulnerable. To check for honey fungus, peel some bark to look for the presence of mushroom smelling cream-colored residues.

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Canker’s bleeding

Horse chestnut trees can often suffer from leaf yellowing caused by moth or leaf spots but the real problem that sometimes happens also is bleeding cankers. A problem may occur as a result of injury to the bark and you will see the presence of black liquid which is not pleasant. Some trees are able to overcome their own problems, but if in doubt, seek the advice of a tree surgeon. For a Tree Surgeon Essex, visit a site like Benchmark Landscapes, a leading Tree Surgeon Essex.

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Aphid attack

If you have a fence or leylandii conifer and have a brownish look with die-back, then you probably have aphids attacking. Avoid cutting your hedge in autumn, as the cut-back hedging has been known to suffer anymore. It is estimated that the problem could be due to the use of weedkilling treatments used on nearby pavements and issues that affect the hedge roots.

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