
Six signs that your boiler needs replacing

Boilers are vital equipment in both commercial and domestic settings. Usually responsible for hot water and heating, it can be incredibly disruptive when they go wrong. As a general rule of thumb, a boiler should last between 10 and 15 years.

Boilers can be responsible for up to 60% of your energy bill: This means that it makes economic sense to keep your boiler well-maintained for efficiency and so that you have to replace it less often.

There are several key signs that may indicate that it is time to replace rather than repair your boiler.

1. Visible leaks

Boiler leaks are fairly common and can be caused by a number of factors, including pressure valve faults, temperature valve issues, loose pipe fittings, corrosion in the pipes/heat exchanger, or broken seals. Some of these issues are more serious than others but regular visible leaks could indicate the boiler is nearing the end of its useful life.

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2. Strange odours/noises

Strange noises such as whistling, humming, banging/clanging, clicking, tapping, or hissing – or unusual odours are all signs of internal problems with the boiler. These faults might be repairable but may indicate a wider issue.

3. Unpredictable/fluctuating water temperature

If you have started to notice that the water temperature from your taps or shower is inconsistent or highly volatile, this could indicate either a boiler pressure issue or that the boiler needs replacing.

There are numerous specialist companies who are able to deal with problem boilers in Cheltenham and the surrounding areas, and there are a range of online resources available such as the examples seen here https://www.hprservicesltd.com/cheltenham-boilers/boiler-repair-cheltenham.

4. You often need repairs/patches

If you have to call someone out to look at and repair your boiler on a regular basis, you may well be throwing good money after bad. Constant repairs are a classic sign that a replacement would probably be a better option. Newer boilers are also more energy efficient.

5. Your energy bills seem too high

Higher-than-normal energy bills are another classic sign that your boiler is not operating efficiently and may need replacing.

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6. Radiators take ages to heat up/struggle to get warm

If your radiators stay tepid or take ages to get warm, this could be a sign that your boiler needs replacing. Most modern boilers reach their maximum temperature reasonably quickly.

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